Amazing Health


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The Biblical diet

What’s God’s diet for us? Does the Biblical diet have scientific support, proof that it’s the best diet? Discover Biblical nutrition for your health!

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Clean and Unclean in the Bible
Plant-based Sources of Iron

Plant-based Sources of Iron

Is it possible to get enough iron without eating animal products?

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When and How Often Should You Eat?

When and How Often Should You Eat?

Evidence shows that eating two or three regularly spaced meals, with several hours between the last meal and bedtime, has many health benefits.

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What is Bioengineered Food?

What is Bioengineered Food?

Are GMOs good or bad? What is bioengineered food? Is it the same or different from GMO food? Is GMO labeling required & will it protect you? Find out!

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Plant-Based Food Combining

Plant-Based Food Combining

Improper food combining can slow digestion and cause acid reflux. Use this food combining chart to avoid problematic food combinations.

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Drinking Alcohol Causes Brain Damage and Hurts Your Body

Drinking Alcohol Causes Brain Damage and Hurts Your Body

Does alcohol kill brain cells? How much is safe? Is wine safer than beer? Find out how drinking alcohol causes brain damage and harms your organs.

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Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors

Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors

What are endocrine disruptors and why should you avoid them? Learn now!

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Vegan Protein: Are You Getting Enough?

Vegan Protein: Are You Getting Enough?

Learn the truth about protein and how to structure your plant-based meals to ensure you’re getting enough.

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Planning Vegan Meals for Kids - What Parents Need to Know

Planning Vegan Meals for Kids - What Parents Need to Know

What foods do vegan kids need to ensure they’re getting adequate nutrients for proper development? Find out what you need to know!

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Plant Based Food Guide

Plant Based Food Guide

Check out our plant-based food guide for healthy meal planning!

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Can Christians Eat Pork?

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Is it a sin to eat pork? Is pork bad for you physically or spiritually? Read on to find out what the Bible and science have to say about pork.

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How to Clean Fruit and Vegetables

How to Clean Fruit and Vegetables

Learn how to use a few simple ingredients to make your own inexpensive fruit and veggie wash.

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