Amazing Health

Healthy Living Resources

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Facts about the food we eat

8 Laws of Health

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Health is delicately balanced on eight health principles.

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Knowledge is power

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Garlic: How to Plant, Grow, Cure, and Store

Garlic: How to Plant, Grow, Cure, and Store

What's the secret to growing great garlic? Find out!

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Healing with Nature

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Natural remedies for self healing

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From scrumptious soups to delightful desserts

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Watch great videos to learn more!

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Moderation in All Things

Moderation in All Things

Boosting the Immune System

Boosting the Immune System

Benefits of Sunlight

Benefits of Sunlight

Self-Sustainable Gardening

Self-Sustainable Gardening

Common Questions

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The Truth About Soyarrow pointing to left showing you can click here
Is Wine Good for You?arrow pointing to left showing you can click here
Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?arrow pointing to left showing you can click here
Eat-for-Your-Blood-Type - Is it Good Science?arrow pointing to left showing you can click here
Vegan Protein: Are You Getting Enough?arrow pointing to left showing you can click here
Can Christians Eat Pork?arrow pointing to left showing you can click here
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Alternative medicine
Unclean meat
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“The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.“

~ Thomas A. Edison 1847-1931

Amazing Health

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Amazing Health™ is a registered trademark of Amazing Discoveries Ministries