Amazing Health

Nutritional dangers

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Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?
Drinking Alcohol Causes Brain Damage and Hurts Your Body

Drinking Alcohol Causes Brain Damage and Hurts Your Body

Does alcohol kill brain cells? How much is safe? Is wine safer than beer? Find out how drinking alcohol causes brain damage and harms your organs.

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Is Diet Soda Bad for You?

Is Diet Soda Bad for You?

Have you heard about the dangers of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners? Is diet soda bad for you? Find out!

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What is Bioengineered Food?

What is Bioengineered Food?

Are GMOs good or bad? What is bioengineered food? Is it the same or different from GMO food? Is GMO labeling required & will it protect you? Find out!

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Clean and Unclean in the Bible

Clean and Unclean in the Bible

Does what we eat matter to God? Are Biblical guidelines regarding clean and unclean meets applicable to Christians today?

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Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors

Dirty Dozen List of Endocrine Disruptors

What are endocrine disruptors and why should you avoid them? Learn now!

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Can Christians Eat Pork?

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Is it a sin to eat pork? Is pork bad for you physically or spiritually? Read on to find out what the Bible and science have to say about pork.

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